Sunday, November 30, 2008

Trusses in Place

The trusses have arrived and are in place for the back half of the house and the garage. We're able to get a real feel of the rooms. We are thrilled with the design and how it's taking shape. Our contractors, Ron and Eric Amerson of Carlyle Construction are pictured, I'm sure enjoying the nice November..almost December weather. Here's hoping for a kind, mild winter!

Monday, November 24, 2008

The Architects Visit

These are pictures that Ian took when he and Bethany came out over the weekend. Ian also sent a new drawing so that those of you that haven't seen the plan can see where we are heading. The top picture is of the entry. It's not open into the living room but will have a wall, about where you see the chunk of OSP laying on the floor, to hang some defining art. Should make for a nice entry. I'm thinking maybe a set of elk horns, or perhaps a NASCAR car hood, think I will get away with it?????

The drawing is of the southeat corner of the house facing forward. The left side of the drawing shows the windows in the great room all the way back to the windows in the kitchen. The right hand shows the windows in the master bedroom with one of the patios in front of it.

It was great to have the architect and his accomplice pay a visit to see how it is transforming from paper to fact. We continue to be thrilled as we get to see in real life what was hard for us to imagine.

We hear by way of the grapevine that we will have trusses tomorrow on what is framed so far.

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Well the rain is back. The north side gallery wall is partially complete. This is the highest point of the house with the gallery windows framed in. The area under the main beam will all be bookcases so that we can have some place to put all the stuff we have gathered around the world without taking up floor space.
There will be another high wall just in front of where I am standing. I'm glad that it's Ron & Eric who are doing this work. I hate heights and wrestling those beams would not be at all fun.
Peggy is standing in her quilt studio and can't wait for it to be finished. She has measured and re-measured every square foot to make sure all of her "stuff" will fit in just right for maximum efficiency.
The guest bath shower and tub are in so bring a bar of soap and take a VERY cold shower. It's raining hard enough.

Monday, November 17, 2008


Whew...I'm home for a few days. Ron's done a great job of updating the blog. I hadn't been at the house for two weeks so it was fun to see the progress. I think since Ron's last post the garage has been framed. The bottom picture shows Ron having lunch in the main room...sort of at the kitchen counter. That room is not completed as there have been discussions on windows between Ian, the architect and the contractor. I'm hoping that's resolved and we can move forward. The back or north side of the house is pretty much framed. It's sure nice to stand and look out my sewing room window. We spent a beautiful weekend there clearing, burning and planting trees. Oh I wish we were 15 years younger. Dad helped with the tractor putting stumps onto the fire. The house is coming along and we're very excited about it.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It continues to rain and the progress appears slow. However; some of the large beams on the northern wall of the gallery are in place and I'm sure they were a bear to get into place. The frustrations of getting a house built are mounting earlier than expected this time around and we are getting concerned about getting finished on time. There is only three and a half months left to go and the walls aren't up yet. It will be great when it's finished. Peg's teaching in the Seattle area so guess who's trying to post this.