Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Next Step Paint

We now have texture to the walls. Every day it looks more like a house. The next step will be paint, then the floors and tile.

The first picture is of the "great room" that you have seen a number of times, but it does look a little different with each step completed.

The next one is of the laundry room from the garage door looking toward the kitchen. The washer, dryer, utility sink (for soaking old quilts) and cabinets will be on the right. A wooden bench, freezer, and coat hooks are on the left. There are good sized windows on each side. They look out onto the entry way on the left and the parking in front of the garage on the right. As always, lots of light.

The next picture is of Peggy's quilt room. The recessed area is going to be a series of shelves for her to stack her collection of antique quilts. She has a few very nice ones that have always been just stacked up or in boxes and such in our other homes. This should allow her to be able to see some of the better ones on a regular basis.

The last photo is of the garage and the storage room. The garage is only a two car, but the storage room will allow for someplace for me to put my tools and give us an area to put things that we don't use everyday. Such as Xmas decorations and such.

As you can probably tell Peg is off teaching for a few days and it is me rambling on. Hope this finds everyone well and looking forward to spring. Let us know what you think.

Ron & Peg

Friday, March 20, 2009

From the Bottom Up

Since our home sets up on a hill and the entry is somewhat from the backside it's difficult to get a picture of how it looks without the aide of a boom truck. The first picture is taken from down below the house looking back up. The left open area is the BBQ area off the kitchen.

Finally it's not so muddy so we could walk up on the hill behind the house to take pictures of the roof. The view is of our bedroom end of the house, entry, walkway and back of the garage.

The bottom picture is of our first rain chain. It's a little difficult to see but just to the right of the post wrapped with black plastic.

The sheetrock is still drying and the furnace is working great. It was a toasty 72 degrees. Thankfully they insulated yesterday so that should help the electric bill some. We've been told maybe a second coat of mud on the sheet rock Saturday or Monday.

Thanks for checking in on the progress. Ron & Peggy

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Mud and rock are a good thing!

Wow, what a change a little mud makes. As you can see they've applied one coat of mud to the sheet rock. It's really taking shape. Notice how careful Ron & Eric have been with the floors. They have completely covered all the floors with brown paper (including the garage) in order to keep the sheetrock mud off them. Makes for a lot better cleanup.

The first picture is looking down the gallery. You can see the bookshelf areas on the left hand side. The next pictures is looking towards the living room end of the great room. The following picture is the kitchen windows. No matter where you look, you can always see trees.

The final pictures shows our driveway with a couple loads of 1-1/2" minus which is helping keep down the mud. The driveway is approximately 800+ feet long so these are just the first of many loads in order to get the fire cheif to sign off.

Fred Kamph who supplies the rock is an old fraternity brother of my brother Jerry. It continues to be a small world back here in Yamhill County and we are enjoying every minute of it. There's no place quite like home.
Drop us a line if you are still out there. We love to hear from everyone. Ron & Peg

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Why Moore's Valley?

Why Moore's Valley? Lots of people ask us why we choose to be so far out. A minimum of two miles of gravel road won't help my cars stay nice. It's over ten miles to get milk or eggs. You'll have too much snow to deal with, etc.....

Well the picture above kind of says it all for us. Moore's Valley is a patch of beauty where Peggy grew up. A small little valley in the foothills that hosts two major ranchs and a few more platts of land with mostly families who have been up there for quite sometime.

If you look at the top of the tall fir on the left side of the picture, and then go to the nearest point at the top of the timbered ridge behind it to the right, our place is just on the back side of that ridge. Peggy's folks have nurtured the land and trees there to perfection and the home site is surrounded with their efforts.

The drive up from Carlton or Yamhill each time we enter the valley, reminds us how fortunate we are to be going to live up there. It is a quiet place in a hectic world and we can't wait to call it home.

Yeah!! A roof and sheetrock!!

It was a beautiful day at the house yesterday although Eric and Ron says it's been cold working there. During the last few days there has been some snow. Winter seems to be having a hard time letting go. The grand news is that we have a roof and the sheetrockers are almost done hanging the sheetrock. It will be a couple weeks of mudding but it's great to actually see the rooms taking shape. The 4' x 9' glass doors at the end of the gallery have been hung creating a beautiful view through them to the outside. The pictures are a sheetrock view from the gallery back towards the laundry room, the outside near the kitchen where Ron and Eric were working on the trim on the outside, two views of the gallery, one of the end door out the trees and the other sheetrocked area of book shelves in the gallery. Alaska friends Keaton and Colleen Gildersleeve came for a visit. We enjoyed showing them around.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Feels a little warmer with insulation!

Sorry, it's been awhile since we posted. There was some waiting for documents for the inspector to sign off and roofing issues. But with that said there is still progress and it's looking great. We're very happy with Ian's design and Carlyle's construction. As you can see the windows are all in and the house is totally insulated. The sheet rock is in place, ready to be put up. The two exterior pictures show the front of the house, living room and kitchen windows, and our bedroom end of the house. It's an interesting picture with the reflection of the trees. Ian literally brought the outside in. Our outdoor shower is to the right of the bedroom door. The interior pictures are of windows above the gallery/living room and the living room with fireplace and windows. The natural light of the main room is amazing. Can't wait to be living there and have visitors!! Thanks for looking.